High-lubricity, Low-foam Premium Semisynthetic
Watch the video to find out what everyone at Hy-Speed Machining has to say about MicroSol 690XT! Michael Mills, General Manager, Cutting Inconel: "Tools lasted a lot longer, parts came out better." Mike Mills Jr., CNC Programmer, Cutting Inconel: "I went from twelve minutes a part to about four and a half minutes." Taylor Cooper, CNC Operator, "The coolant is tenfold to what we've been using" Weston InKrote, CNC Operator, "Tooling life went up, run time cut in half, finishes were great" Peter Duffy, Maintenance, "More profit for us"
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Chuck Adams, Ace Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, stated, "Our shop is starting to machine a lot of titanium products. In order to prevent micro fractures in the metal, we wanted a coolant that was nonchlorinated. With the MicroSol 690XT we achieved that purpose and also cut down on tap breaks. We were having a lot of tap wear and tap breaks trying to tap titanium. After putting in the 690XT the tapping is much better, lubricity is much higher, we’re having less failure, and our taps are lasting a lot longer!"
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Bradford Watts of Excel Manufacturing in Seymour, Indiana says, "MicroSol 690XT runs at about half the concentration level as our older style coolant. We have used less of the 690XT in the machines and that has saved us a lot of money. MicroSol 690XT keeps the tools as clean as the old product. MicroSol 690XT is probably the best coolant that we have had in my time here; and I have been here almost ten years."
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Chuck Adams, Ace Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, stated, "After trials with the MicroSol 690XT in three of the machines, we wanted to buy the product. Three to four weeks after cleaning the machines we were having better machining. The product was not available at the time of the trial, so we changed the rest of the shop over to 685XT, which we are currently running. As soon as 690XT goes into production, we are changing the entire shop over to 690XT."
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My name is Curt Metcalf and I work at Excel Manufacturing in Seymour, Indiana. We have been testing MicroSol 690XT for about three months now on two different machines with good success. We have tested aluminum, cast iron, and ductal iron. It solved a reaming problem we had on an aluminum machining operation and and gave us good tool life. The operators like it because of the low chemical smell and the parts come clean.
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Chuck Adams, Ace Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio noted, "Prior to using MicroSol 690XT we were using $150 to $200 every two weeks on tapping fluid aerosol cans on all the machines. Now that we are using the TRIM coolant we don’t use any other tapping product. It is now just straight coolant with no problems."
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Phil Smith, Ace Manufacturing Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, states, "Since we have switched to using MicroSol 690XT coolant, it has eliminated all my rust issues, all of my tapping and tooling breakage issues, all the odor issues, and all of the foaming issues. MicroSol 690XT has been a great coolant."
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