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The Comprehensive Guide to Metalworking Fluid (MWF)

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Metalworking fluids (MWFs), including coolants, lubricants, corrosion inhibitors, and cleaners, are used in machining and grinding operations to remove chips from the cutting zone, improve surface-finishes, and promote or improve tool life. Choosing the right metalworking fluid can double tool life and improve the performance of metalworking machines by…

Reducing friction between the metal and cutting tool
Cooling the workpiece and cutting or forming tools
Protecting machinery and workpiece from corrosion
Improving productivity with higher speeds and feeds
Reducing machine wear and downtime

Investing in a high-quality metalworking fluid is highly beneficial to many aspects of your company, including parts quality, health and safety, and the bottom line. Though metalworking fluids are an integral part of the machining process, some manufacturers chose an inexpensive MWF to save money on a line item. This is, in fact, a false economy. As the cost of MWF is a factor that ranges from 0.03% to less than 1% of a manufacturing facility's budget, finding the right MWF actually lowers other costs because it impacts everything in production, from machines to parts to operators.

The following sections outline a part’s journey through the shop, from the moment it enters as a raw material, to the moment it reaches your customer. Metalworking fluids are there to enhance the process every step of the way.