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Anonymous Ethics Hotline Program

Report online:

Report via phone: +1-833-222-1511

Master Fluid Solutions provides a reporting hotline for employees to anonymously report any of the following incidents:

Regular business issues and matters not requiring anonymity should be directed to the employee’s supervisor or HR department.


All calls are confidential and the identity of the caller will remain anonymous.

Report online:

Report via phone: +1-833-222-1511

Confidentiality Commitment
Lighthouse is an independent provider that assists your company to identify improper activity. We are committed to protecting the identity of all persons who use our secure reporting system. Reports are submitted by Lighthouse to the company’s designee, and may or may not be investigated at the sole discretion of the company. Although we will not disclose your identity without your express permission, it is possible that your identity maybe discovered during an investigation of the matter reported because of information you have provided.